Home » AC Boxes
AC boxes are the power supply units used for heavy-load home appliances like geyser, refrigerator, oven, air conditioner, etc. They are provided with a MCB-protected socket to prevent damages caused due to overload or short circuit.
Unlike other enclosures, these boxes are ready-to-use and only require minimal electrical wiring. This enables swift creation of power outlets without much hassle. Pressfit AC Boxes are available with metallic as well as plastic back for different types of applicational uses. They are suitable for single-point protection of home appliances.
The provided MCB has a high-speed breaking mechanism which employs electrodynamic forces generated by the strong current due to a short circuit. The contacts get separated much faster before they can peak, which suppresses the high current.
A high short circuit breaking capacity makes these boxes perfect for heavy load applications. They are competent to protect the electrical devices by breaking the circuit.
ISI-marked Polycarbonate materials are characterized by high impact strength and high softening temperature. This makes them ideal for use involving high load appliances like Air Conditioner, Geyser, Heater, etc.
Camper AC boxes come with transparent plastic window to protect them from direct contact with external influences. It is especially useful if you have children at home who may unknowingly electrocute themselves.
Air conditioning compressors turn on and off frequently, which increases the overall load. This is ultimately not good for the health of your entire electrical system as it can lead to arcing and, consequently, an electrical fire. To avoid such situations, AC Boxes are used as a protective circuit against short circuits and overload.
AC boxes are used as control switch to regulate the power supply across the connected device. When the switch is in the OFF position, the device is de-energized (OFF state). In order for it to get power we need to turn on the switch. This closes the circuit and the current flows through the device. So, the function of the ac box switch is to make (switch is ON) and break (switch is OFF) the circuit across the connected device.
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